India LCA Mk1A first flight credit HAL 640HAL LCA Mk1A developments

On 12 April 2024, the Indian government issued the largest ever order for indigenous military hardware. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has placed a tender worth over USD 7,8 billion with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) for the purchase of 97 Tejas LCA Mk1A fighter aircraft for the Bharatiya Vayu Sena (IAF, Indian Air Force).

HAL has been given three months to respond to the tender, before final price negotiations will start.

On 16 September 2023, Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari stated that the IAF decided to order around 100 more Mark 1A fighter jets. Additionally, on 30 November 2023, the Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) accorded the approved Acceptance of Necessities (AoNs) for procurement of the fighters from HAL under Buy (Indian-IDDM) category. Then, on 12 April 2024, the MoD issued the tender to HAL for 97 Tejas LCA Mk1A fighter aircraft.

This ambitious move aims to modernise the Indian Air Force by replacing its ageing fleet of MiG-21s and already phased out MiG-23/MiG-27 fighters, which are nearing or have already reached the end of their operational lifespan. The MiG-23MF, MiG-23BN and MiG-27s were already withdrawn from use in March 2007 (MiG-23MF), March 2009 (MiG-23BN) and December 2017 for the MiG-27.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has actively championed the revival of Hindustan Aeronautic Limited, spearheading efforts to secure government contracts for building indigenous fighter aircraft, helicopters, and their engines. In a symbolic gesture, the Prime Minister became the first Indian PM to fly in a combat aircraft when he took a sortie in the trainer variant of the Tejas fighter.

HAL previously received an order for 83 Tejas LCA Mk1A aircraft, with deliveries expected to begin shortly. Compared to the initial 40 LCAs already in service with the IAF, the Mark 1A model incorporates more advanced avionics and radar systems, raising the overall indigenous content to 65%. The first Tejas LCA Mk1A, serial LA5033, made its first flight on 28 March 2024 from HAL's airfield in Bengaluru.

Credit photo: Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)

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