Kazakh An 26 1 640Kazakh Antonov crash

An Antonov An-26 of the Kazakhstan Border Guards (Қазақстан Республикасының Шекара қызметі, part of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan) crashed during landing at Almaty International Airport, Kazakhstan, around 17:30hrs LT, with six people onboard.

The aircraft (serial 02 white, msn 7201) crashed about 600 metres short of the threshold of runway 23R and burst into flames, killing four and leaving two seriously injured.

It had flown in from Nursultan Nazarbayev International Airport. Almaty ATC lost contact during landing and the alarm was raised immediately, dispatching the airport's emergency rescue services to the scene.

Weather at the time of the accident was poor with overcast clouds at 300 feet and a visibility of five kilometres, with light freezing drizzle and mist.

Kazakh An 26 320

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